About Me

Thank you so much for calling by and welcome to my blog.
Jodhpurs on The School Run is a collection of ramblings written by me.
There are no posts about what I am wearing and where to buy it. In fairness, I could tell you where I bought my jodhpurs but there would be little point, as I always buy them in the sale and they are always end of line.
There is no beauty advice on my blog because I am someone who doesn’t own a make up bag and thinks that being fully made up is wearing mascara and lip balm at the same time.
There are no recipes because I am to culinary art what Donald Trump is to tact. I can make sloe gin, soup and toast in that order.
There is no parenting guidance either because frankly there are loads of blogs out there that tell us how to be better parents. I, on the other hand think that I am a great parent if I get Britney (Not her real name) to school on time, in a clean uniform and with the correct reading book.
What you will find is unashamed boasting about Northumberland which is the County where I live and some rambling posts about random subjects.
There is too much sadness, misery and upset in the world and I want to write things that make you laugh. So grab yourself a coffee, settle in and I hope you enjoy my blog.
You can also follow me on  FacetubeTwatterInstaphoto and Pinboard.


  1. Lucy from school here, I can't work out how to follow you!! No wonder my blog makes no money! Maybe I need try from the laptop?


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