Thursday 23 June 2016

Referendum Day - Just a brief thought

I read this morning that Katie Price has never voted before; despite the fact that she stood for a seat in Greater Manchester in 2001. Clearly not one of her people told her that she was allowed to vote for herself and perhaps with a campaign backed by the Daily Star with the slogan “Vote Jordan for a bigger and betta future”, this was for the best.
I have nothing personal against The Pricey, I think she has made a huge success of her life with some plastic assets and a lorry load of brawn. I don’t know anyone who has willingly bought anything from her equestrian range but it does show the diversity of her business.
But as a candidate for Parliament, I mean, what the? You’d be better off voting for Edina Monsoon as at least she would (in her own words) just Tax the stupid people.

I hope everyone uses their vote today. Whichever way they decide to vote, women did in fact die to allow us ladies to put our cross in the box.

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